Criteria 1 Criteria 2 Criteria 3 Criteria 4 Criteria 5 Criteria 6 Criteria 7 Criteria 8 Review **
Skills background
As an avid user of personal computing, technology, cloud platforms, class management systems, mathematical software and personal interest in coding and digital creation I am quite comfortable using Desmos’ graphics calculator and learning activities.
Planning for PD
The 10 step professional development plan described by DeRosa (2018) provides a powerful and complete to establish goals and an effective strategy for meeting them. Below are my 10 steps from the plan.
1 – Where am I now
A strong user of graphical tools and learning systems. As identified in criteria 3 though, an untapped potential in my use of Desmos is personally creating learning activities (through the activity builder) that best address my cohorts need and contextual factors.
2- Where do I want to go
I want to develop the ability to build small and medium size learning activities within Desmos activity builder.
I want to develop the use of Desmos by other teachers at my school to positively impact student learning through effective rather than tokenistic use of technology.
3 – Gather Information
Initial investigation of Desmos support services shows 8 FAW articles on activity creation and video tutorials on each activity builder component
4 – Set Goals
Understand the functionality of 9 components of activity builder available.
Commit 2 hours per week to PD on activity builder.
Design a full learning activity to be shared with other teachers by the end of
the unit for review for next years unit plan.
Have every teacher of year 10 maths incorporating Desmos (GDS experimentation by
students at a minimum) into their instruction of functions.
5 – What skills and experience do I have?
Current user of Desmos and familiar with layouts and structures of effective learning activities. Extensive background in digital mathematical analysis, coding and digital product creation.
Previously run Digital Learning sprints (schools preferred form of inter staff PD) for other tools.
6 – What skills and experience do I need?
Familiarity with Desmos development tool (activity builder).
7 – Identify possible sources
As mentioned Desmos provides a short video tutorial series on the activity builder. They also offer professional learning events consisting of 1-hour webinar and one- or two-day onsite training options. The onsite options are not feasible in Australia.
Desmos also provides professional learning packs to help with sharing Desmos with others.
8- Develop an action plan and timeline.
I best learn through experimentation and iteration. Hence I will look to use Desmos Activity builder daily, even just for 15 minutes to total a minimum of 2 hours per week until the end of the school year.
Using the Desmos professional learning pack I will develop a short PD session that can be delivered during the end of year mathematics KLA planning and PD day.
9 – Execute your plan
Use 15 minute of the train ride commute to work to experiment with Desmos.
Present at end of year KLA PD day.
10 – Assess your progress
I will revise time and resources allocated as a I develop an understanding of the Desmos activity builder in the weeks to come.
DeRosa, D. (2018). How to Write a Powerful Professional Development Plan. Retrieved November 9, 2019, from